We’ve been covered in snow since early November, and after a solid 3 months of bitter cold & snow we’ve all been hibernating to some degree. How many nights have you thrown together creative dinners instead of venturing out into winter to eat exactly what your heart desires?
It’s late February now, the sun has made some welcome appearances, and we’re in the homestretch to warmth! It’s time to unravel your cocoon and discover the flavors that hundreds of thousands travel to Traverse City to experience. In short, it’s time for Traverse City Restaurant Week! Traverse City’s best restaurants have each put together a 3 course menu for just $25 per person from Sunday, February 23 to Saturday, March 1, 2014.
Here’s how to make the most of Traverse City Restaurant Week:
- Make reservations!
- Pick places you’ve always wanted to try.
- Try to do more than one night. It’s great fun to compare.
- This is a week of celebrating Traverse City’s culinary scene, so don’t hesitate to pair your meal w/ local beer, wine .
- Tip well, you’re getting great deals. Your servers are serving 3 courses for one low price!
Click the first menu thumbnail and then page through the Restaurant Week menus. Some restaurants haven’t provided them, but all listed here will have the special Restaurant Week menu. Be sure to make your reservations early!

7 Monks Taproom (231) 421-8410
Aerie Restaurant (231) 534-6800 Amical (231) 941-8888 Apache Trout Grill (231) 947-7079 Blue Tractor Cook Shop (231) 922-9515 Bistro FouFou (231) 421-6583 The Boathouse (231) 223-4030 Bubba’s Restaurant (231) 995-0570 The Cook’s House (231) 946-8700 Copper Falls Steakhouse (231) 943-1103 Firefly (231) 932-1310 Harbor 22 (231) 922-2114 Harrington’s by the Bay (231) 421.9393 Little Bohemia (231) 946-6925 Minervas (231) 946-5093 Modes Bum Steer (231) 947-9832 North Peak Brewing Co. (231) 941-7325 |
Old Mission Tavern (231) 223-7280
Om Cafe (231) 218-4340 Opa Uptown European Cuisine (231) 943-1344 Patisserie Amie/Chez Peres (231) 922-9645 Peninsula Grill (231) 223-7200 Pepe Nero (231) 929-1960 Phil’s on Front (231) 929-1710 Poppycocks (231) 941-7632 Red Ginger Restaurant (231) 944-1733 The Red Mesa Grill (231) 938-2773 Reflect Bistro at Cambria (231) 778-9000 Sorellina (231) 421-5912 The Towne Plaza (231) 929-0900 Trattoria Stella (231) 929-8989 The Union Cantina (231) 941-5038 West Bay Beach (231) 421-2129 Xylo (231) 421-9200 |
Here are some eye-popping HDR timelapse videos that Jason Hulet of Hulet Real Estate Photography shot last March during TC Restaurant Week!